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Market Report

Market Report

Korea Medical Device Market Report – Hemostatics 2024
Dec 2024- PagesFormat:-

Synex Consulting Ltd.

In 2023, the hemostatic products market of Korea is estimated to be USD *** at initial selling prices and USD *** at medical institutions' purchase prices.
It is estimated that approximately USD *** of the total market is reimbursed by the National Health Insurance Service whereas the rest of the USD *** is paid by the patients. This is because the National Health Insurance Serivce does not cover all the hemostatic products used for surgical interventions. The amount above the reimbursement maximums is on the patients themselves.
The reimbursement volume in 2023 is USD ***, an increase of ***% in 2019. Pharmaceuticals reimbursed for surgeries is USD ***, medical devices reimbursed for surgeries is USD ***, and medical devices reimbursed for vascular intervention is USD ***.
The hemostatic products market of Korea is expected to maintain an average annual growth rate of ***% for pharmaceuticals and ***% for medical devices. As a result of this, the market size is projected to be approximately USD *** at initial selling prices and USD *** at medical institutions' purchase prices in 2028.
If we look at the claimed amount for hemostatic products used in surgeries by major specialty, neurosurgery accounts for the most part, with the USD *** (***%). General surgery USD ***, orthopedic surgery USD ***, and thoracic surgery USD *** follow.
The claimed amount for hemostatic products used in vascular intervention by major specialty is USD *** for internal medicine which includes gastroenterology. Neurosurgery USD ***, neurology USD ***, general surgery USD ***, thoracic surgery USD ***, and orthopedic surgery USD ***.
The claimed amount for vascular intervention by end-user type is USD *** for tertiary care hospitals, the largest percentage of ***% of the total NHIS reimbursement USD ***. General hospitals USD ***, and hospitals USD *** follow.
In 2023, around *** pharmaceuticals and medical devices manufacturers and importers' *** products are listed on the National Health Insurance Service. Major suppliers of the hemostatic products market include Baxter, Hyundai Pharm, GC, Johnson and Johnson Korea, Dalim Tissen, Hanmi Science, Samyang Holdings and Becton Dickinson Korea.
Among them, the combined market share of the top three suppliers is estimated as ***% and the remaining *** suppliers ***%. The top three suppliers of the hemostatic products market are Baxter ***%, Dalim Tissen ***% and Hyundai Pharm ***%.
The hemostatic products market can be divided by the physical state of the products - liquid, patch, gauze, and powder. The market may also be classified by the substance of the products - oxidized regenerated cellulose, gelatin, collagen, and composite materials. Accordingly, each hemostatic product supplier provides a variety of products with different forms and compositions, tailored to user demands through differentiated sales and marketing strategies.
"The hemostatic products market of Korea is expected to grow at ***% (pharmaceuticals ***%, medical devices ***%) over the next five years, driven by aging population and an increase in the number of surgeries, cancer patients, truma
centers, and overseas patients. On the other hand, hemostatic products are classified as either therapeutic materials under the DRG or inclusive materials under the New DRG. Their usage and market growth may vary depending on the government's future policy directions. "

Chapter 1. Introduction
   1.1. Purpose
   1.2. Suggestions on Usage
   1.3. Scope
   1.4. Abbreviations and Acronyms
   1.5. Research Methods
      1.5.1. Desk Research
      1.5.2. Primary Research
   1.6. Market Size Analysis and Projection Methods
      1.6.1. Data Sources
      1.6.2. Exchange Rates
      1.6.3. Market Size Projection Methods Reimbursement Volume Projection Methods

Chapter 2. Executive Summary

Chapter 3. Market Overview
   3.1. Market Size at Manufacturers/Importers' Initial Selling Prices
      3.1.1. Five-Year Forecast of Market Size
   3.2. Market Size at Medical Institutions' Purchase Prices
      3.2.1. Total Reimbursement Volume of Hemostatic Products
      3.2.2. Reimbursement Volume of Hemostatic Products for Surgeries Reimbursement Volume by Medical Specialty Reimbursement Volume by End-User Type
      3.2.3. Reimbursement Volume for Hemostatic Products after Vascular Intervention Reimbursement Volume by Medical Specialty Reimbursement Volume by End-User Type

Chapter 4. Major Supplies
   4.1. Baxter
   4.2. Hyundai Pharm
   4.3. GC Biopharma
   4.4. Johnson & Johnson Medical
   4.5. Dalim Tissen
   4.6. Hanmi Science
   4.7. Samyang Holdings
   4.8. Becton Dickinson

Chapter 5. Market Dynamics
   5.1. Impact of COVID-19 on Hemostatic Products Market
   5.2. Key Features of Healthcare Market in Korea
      5.2.1. History of Hemostatic Products in Korea
      5.2.2. History of Reimbursement Environment Changes
      5.2.3. Number of Medical Institutions in Korea
      5.2.4. Classification Criteria for Reimbursement vs. Non-Reimbursement
   5.3. Key Indicators of Hemostatic Products Market
      5.3.1. Aging Population and Increasing Life Expectancy
      5.3.2. Number of Surgeries The Most 34 Common Surgeries Number of Surgeries under Reimbursement Criteria
            (1) Absorbable Hemostatic Products for Internal Use
            (2) Powder Hemostatic Products for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
            (3) Absorbable Bone Hemostatic Products
      5.3.3. Number of Robotic Surgeries
      5.3.4. Number of Cancer Patients
      5.3.5 Trauma Centers
      5.3.6. Number of Overseas Patients
   5.4. Market Drivers
      5.4.1. Demand
      5.4.2. Increase in Number of Supplies
   5.5. Market Opportunities
      5.5.1. Longer Life Expectancy and Increased Demand for Surgeries
      5.5.2. Market Growth Driven by Increase in Specialty Hospitals
      5.5.3. Health Insurance Coverage Expansion
      5.5.4. Clinical Research on Novel Hemostatic Technologies
   5.6. Market Restraints
      5.6.1. NHIS Reimbursement Pricing Scheme
      5.6.2. Instability in Raw Material Supply
   5.7. Unmet Needs

Appendix 1. The 5th Specialty Hospital Designation

Table1 Classification of Hemostatic Products Approval
Table2 Market Size of Hemostatic Products at Initial Selling Prices 2019-2023
Table3 Five-Year Forecast of Market Size 2023-2028
Table4 Reimbursement Volume of Hemostatic Products 2019-2023
Table5 Reimbursement Volume of Hemostatic Products for Surgeries 2019-2023
Table6 Reimbursement Volume of Hemostatic Products For Surgeries by Specialty 2019-2023
Table7 Outlook for Use of Hemostatic Products by Specialty
Table8 Reimbursement Volume of Hemostatic Products for Surgeries by End-User Type 2019-2023
Table9 Reimbursement Volume for Hemostatic Products after Vascular Intervention 2019-2023
Table10 Reimbursement Volume for Hemostatic Products after VI by Specialty 2019-2023
Table11 Reimbursement Volume for Hemostatic Products after VI by End-User Type 2019-2023
Table12 Major Brands, Manufacturer and Suppliers
Table13 Estimated Market Share of Major Suppliers 2023
Table14 Product Type by Major Supplies 2024.12.
Table15 Key Substances and Features by Physical State
Table16 Key Substances Supplied by Major Companies 2024.12.
Table17 Common Surgeries and Bleeding Patterns by Key Substance
Table18 Major Brand of Baxter - Floseal
Table19 Major Brand of Baxter - Tisseel
Table20 Major Brand of Baxter - Hemopatch
Table21 Major Brand of Hyundai Pharm - Tachosil
Table22 Major Brand of GC - Greenplast Q
Table23 Major Brand of Johnson and Johnson - Surgicel
Table24 Major Brand of Johnson and Johnson - VeraSeal
Table25 Major Brand of Dalim Tissen - CollaStat
Table26 Major Brand of Hanmi Science - KOLLAGEN resorb
Table27 Major Brand of Hanmi Science - GENTA-COLL resorb
Table28 Major Brand of Samyang Holdings - Surgi Guard
Table29 Major Brand of Samyang Holdings - Q-Guard
Table30 Major Brand of Becton Dickinson - Avitene
Table31 Major Brand of of Becton Dickinson - Arista
Table32 Number of Medical Institutions 2019-2023
Table33 Reimbursement vs. Non-Reimbursement of Hemostatic Products
Table34 Percentage of Population Aged 65+
Table35 Number of Claims for Surgeries 2019-2023
Table36 Number of Common Surgeries by End-User Type 2018-2022
Table37 Number of Common Surgeries 2018-2022
Table38 Absorbable Hemostatic Product Group Codes 2024.12.01.
Table39 Reimbursement Criteria for Absorbable Hemostatic Products
Table40 Number of Surgeries under Reimbursement Criteria for Absorbable Hemostatic Products 2019-2023
Table41 Number of Organ Transplant Surgeries 2019-2023
Table42 Powder Hemostatic Products Group for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2024.12.01.
Table43 Reimbursement Criteria for Powder Hemostatic Products for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Table44 Number of Procedures under Reimbursement Criteria 2019-2023
Table45 Absorbable Bone Hemostatic Products Group 2024.12.01.
Table46 Reimbursement Criteria for Absorbable Bone Hemostatic Products
Table47 Number of Surgeries with Absorbable Bone Hemostatic Products 2019-2023
Table48 Procedure Codes and Names for Robotic Surgeries
Table49 Number of Robotic Surgery Systems by End-User Type 2019-2023
Table50 Number of Patients by Cancer Type 2017-2021
Table51 Regional Trauma Centers 2023.03.24.
Table52 Number of Overseas Patients 2019-2023
Table53 Overseas Patients by Institution Type 2019-2023
Table54 Overseas Patients by Medical Specialty 2019-2023
Table55 Summary of Key Indicators
Table56 Number of Hemostatic Products Suppliers 2019-2023
Table57 Specialty Hospital Designation 2023.12.
Table58 Reimbursement Criteria for Hemostatic Products
Table59 Hemostatic Products Clinical Trials 2019-2024
Table60 Reimbursement Maximums by Hemostatic Product 2024.12.

Fig1 Market Size at Manufacturers/Importers' Initial Selling Prices 2019-2023
Fig2 Proportion of Pharmaceuticals to Devices at Initial Selling Prices 2019-2023
Fig3 Five-Year Forecast of Market Size 2023-2028
Fig4 Market Size at Medical Institutions' Purchase Prices 2023
Fig5 Market Size Projection at Medical Institutions' Purchase Prices 2028
Fig6 Reimbursement Volume of Hemostatic Products 2019-2023
Fig7 Reimbursement Volume of Hemostatic Products For Surgeries 2019-2023
Fig8 Reimbursement Volume of Hemostatic Products For Surgeries by Specialty 2023
Fig9 Reimbursement Volume of Hemostatic Products For Surgeries by Specialty 2019-2023
Fig10 Reimbursement Volume by End-User Type 2023
Fig11 Reimbursement Volume by End-User Type 2019-2023
Fig12 Reimbursement Volume for Hemostatic Products after Vascular Intervention 2019-2023
Fig13 Reimbursement Volume for Hemostatic Products after VI by Specialty 2023
Fig14 Reimbursement Volume for Hemostatic Products after VI by Specialty 2019-2023
Fig15 Reimbursement Volume for Hemostatic Products after VI by End-User Type 2023
Fig16 Reimbursement Volume for Hemostatic Products after VI by End-User Type 2019-2023
Fig17 Estimated Market Share of Major Suppliers 2023
Fig18 Number of Surgeries 2019-2022
Fig19 Percentage of Population Aged 65+
Fig20 Life Expectancies 2011-2021
Fig21 Number of Claims for Surgeries 2019-2023
Fig22 Common Surgeries 2018-2022
Fig23 Number of Robotic Surgery Systems by End-User Type 2019-2023
Fig24 Number of Overseas Patients 2019-2023
Fig25 Unmet Needs of Hemostatic Products Market

Hyundai pharm
GC Biopharma
Johnson & Johnson Medical
Hanmi Science
Samyang Holdings

US$ 2,500
