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Market Report

Market Report

Korea Medical Device Market Report - X-ray Systems 2024
July 2024- PagesFormat: PDF or EXCEL

Synex Consulting Ltd.

In 2023, the X-ray systems market in Korea is estimated to be around USD *** million in terms of manufacturers/importers' initiall selling prices, a CAGR of ***% from the 2019 market size of USD *** million.
The number of X-ray systems supplied is estimated to be approximately ***, a decrease of ***% on average per year from around *** in 2019. This is different from the number of units actually installed in medical institutions, including the number of units in stock for sale to both domestic and overseas medical institutions.
The X-ray systems market in terms of retail prices is estimated to be around USD *** million and expected to reach USD *** million over the next five years in 2028 at a CAGR of ***%. This is related to the increasing supply of X-ray systems with advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) as well as the increasing unit price per device.
X-ray systems differ in the way they take pictures depending on the detector type. There are three types as follows: (1) analogue radiography which uses films, (2) computer radiography which uses image plates and (3) digital radiography which can be immediately computer-processed without films or image plates.
As of July 2024, the total number of products approved by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety as X-ray devices (excluding export) is ***. Among these, the highest number of approvals were for diagnostic X-ray devices with ***, followed by digital diagnostic X-ray devices with *** and mobile fluroscopic X-ray devices with ***.
According to the "Medical Equipment Reporting and Unique Device Identification Standards", the imaging diagnostic equipment that medical institutions have to report to the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service includes four categories as follows: (1) General X-ray devices, (2) Fluroscopic X-ray devices, (3) C-Arm X-ray devices and (4) Angiography devices.
In 2023, the total number of X-ray devices installed in medical institutions nationwide was ***, an average annual increase of ***% compare to the *** units in 2019. Out of the total *** units of 2023, there were *** General X-ray devices, *** C-Arm X-ray devices, *** Fluroscopic X-ray devices and *** Angiography Devices.
Among the total *** X-ray devices installed in medical institutions of 2023, approximately *** were analog devices and *** were digital devices, indicating that analog devices still have a high peneration rate. However, the penetration rate of analog devices decreased by *** percentage points compare to 2019. It is anticipated that this declining trend will continue.
In 2023, while *** new analog devices were installed, *** digital devices were installed. In other words, existing analog devices are being rapidly replaced with digital devices.
As the X-ray devices are mainly manufactured domestically, the financial burden of purchasing digital devices is not insupportable. Therefore, it is expected that digital devices will meet most of the demand for replacing analog devices in the future.
As of 2023, the total number of X-ray devices installed in medical institutions by end-user type is as follows: *** in clinics, *** in hospitals, *** in general hospitals, *** in other types of institutions and *** in tertiary hospitals.
In 2023, the market share of general X-ray devices is estimated to be around ***% for the top three Korean manufacturers. DK Medical Systems has the highest market share at ***%, followed by Listem at ***%, DRGEM at ***%, Ecoray at ***% and Gemss Healthcare at ***%.
For the fluroscopic x-ray devices market, the two major suppliers Listem and Shimadzu have a combined market share of approximately ***%. Listem has the largest market share of ***%, followed by Shimadzu ***% and DK Medical Systems ***%.
In the C-Arm type x-ray devices market, Xenoray and DK Medical Systems have a market share of around ***%. Xenoray ***%, DK Medical Systems ***%, Gemss HealthCare ***%, GE HealthCare ***% and Siemens Healthineers ***%.
Finally, the angiography market is dominated by Philips and Simens Healthineers with a market share of around ***%. Philips ***%, Simens Healthineers ***%, Canon Medical Systems ***% and GE Healthcare ***%. Compared to other devices market, the angiography devices market is heavily dependent on imported goods rather than domestically manufactured ones.
Aside from the general x-ray devices market, most x-ray devices markets are dominated by a few specific companies.
Besides, Korean manufacturers have a higher market share in the x-ray devices market compared to that of other medical devices. This is because domestically manufactured products are durable and of high quality. Those manufacturers develop products which meet the needs of the Korean market.
"In addition to the above, the manufacturers are known to be more responsive
than importers to the issues like after-sales service, which leads up to the healthcare providers' preference. "
"Among all the OECD member states, South Korea has one of the fastest aging
populations and the cost of elderly care is increasing rapidly. The demand for health management and disease prevention is expected to increase along with the rapidly growing senior population and the demand for x-ray devices is also expected to increase. "
"Orthopedic surgeons totalled *** in 2023, a CAGR of ***% from *** in 2019 and
radiologists totalled *** in 2023, a CAGR of ***% from ***% in 2019. Both specialties saw an increase in the number of board-certified physicians. "
As the two specialties frequently using x-ray devices are on the rise, the default demand of x-ray devices to be installed per each hospital are also expected to be on the rise.
"In 2022, the total reimbursement volume of simple radiological imaging
procedures claimed is ***, an increase of ***% compared to that of *** in 2018. The total usage for clinics in particular is *** in 2022. A CAGR of ***% from 2018 to 2022, the largest increase among all the medical institution types. "
"The x-ray devices market of Korea is expected to continue to grow at a CAGR
of ***% over the next five years, driven by an ageing population, extending life expectancy, increasing general health screening rates and growing radiological care."
"The x-ray devices industry is already well-established in terms of product design
and applications, making it difficult for new products to emerge in the future. Therefore, new products that have improved user experience from the existing products or that have applied AI are being released. "
"If domestic manufacturers would like to launch new x-ray devices, they should
consider the products that incorporate diagnostic-assistive AI or AI to enhance the utility of the examination, low-dose products to reduce radiation exposure and new designs to increase convenience. "

Abbreviations and Acronyms
Chapter 1. Introduction
   1.1. Purpose
   1.2. Suggestions for Best Use
   1.3. Scope
   1.4. Research Methods
      1.4.1. Desk Research
      1.4.2. Primary Research
   1.6. Analysis and Projection Methods of Market Size
      1.5.1. Data Sources
      1.5.2. Exchange Rate
      1.5.3. Market Size Estimation Methods

Chapter 2. Executive Summary

Chapter 3. Market Overview
   3.1. Market Size at Manufacturers/Importers' Initial Selling Prices
      3.1.1. Five-Year Forecast of Market Size
   3.3. Market Size at Medical Institutions' Purchase Prices
      3.2.1. Installations by Product Type
      3.2.2. Installations by Detector Product Type
      3.2.3. Installations by End-User Type Installations at Health Screening Centers and Radiology Clinics
      3.2.4. Installations by End-User Type and Product Type General X-ray Devices X-ray Imaging and Projection Devices C-Arm Type X-ray Devices Angiography Devices

Chapter 4. Major Suppliers
   4.1. DRGem
   4.2. DRTech
   4.3. DK Medical Systems
   4.4. Listem
   4.5. Samsung Electronics
   4.6. Ecoray
   4.7. Genoray
   4.8. Gemss Healthcare
   4.9. Siemens Healthineers
   4.10. GE HealthCare
   4.11. Philips

Chapter 5. Market Dynamics
   5.1. Impact of COVID-19
   5.2. Characteristics of Healthcare Market in Korea
      5.2.1. History of X-ray Systems in Korea
      5.1.2. Change History of Payment Environment
      5.2.3. Number of Medical Institutions in Korea
   5.3. Key Indicators of X-ray Systems Market
      5.3.1. Aging Population and Increasing Life Expectancy
      5.3.2. General Health Screening Rates
      5.3.2. Internal Medicine Care
      5.3.4. Orthopedic Care
      5.3.5. Radiological Care
      5.3.6. General Radiological Imaging General Radiological Imaging by Common Site Fluoroscopy Specialized Imaging Use of C-Arm Image Intensifier
      5.3.7. Film Usage
      5.3.8. Number of Major Surgeries
   5.4. Market Drivers
      5.4.1. Demand
      5.4.2. Increase in Number of Suppliers
   5.5. Market Opportunities
      5.5.1. Possible Market Expansion with Policy Changes
      5.5.2. Increase in Chronic Diseases with Aging Population
      5.5.3. Increase in General Health Screening Rates
      5.5.4. Increase in AI Development and Application
   5.6. Market Restraints
   5.7. Unmet Needs

[Table 1] X-ray Systems Product Approval
[Table 2] Market Size of Initial Selling Price
[Table 3] Five-Year Forecast of Market Size
[Table 4] Installations by Product Type
[Table 5] Installations by Detector Type
[Table 6] Installations by End-User Type
[Table 7] Number of Medical Institutions with X-ray Systems
[Table 8] Installations at Health Screening Centers and Radiology Clinics
[Table 9] Number of X-ray Systems at Health Screening Centers and Rasiology Clinics
[Table 10] X-ray Systems and Institution Types
[Table 11] X-ray Imaging and Projection Devices by End-User Type
[Table 12] C-Arm Devices by End-User Type
[Table 13] Angiography Devices by End-User Type
[Table 14] Number of Approval Cases by X-ray Product Type
[Table 15] Key Brands of Major Suppliers
[Table 16] Key Brand of DRGEM - GXR-S
[Table 17] Key Brand of DRGEM - GXR-SD
[Table 18] Key Brand of DRGEM - TOPAZ
[Table 19] Key Brand of DRGEM - JADE
[Table 20] Key Brand of DRGEM - EXSYS
[Table 21] Key Brand of DRTEC - EXTRON
[Table 22] Key Brand of DK Medical Systems - AccuRAY
[Table 23] Key Brand of DK Medical Systems - DK Ⅱ
[Table 24] Key Brand of DK Medical Systems - INNOVISION
[Table 25] Key Brand of DK Medical Systems - PROSTAR
[Table 26] Key Brand of DK Medical Systems - ELMO
[Table 27] Key Brand of Listem - REX-R
[Table 28] Key Brand of Listem - LX-SERIES
[Table 29] Key Brand of Listem - DRS
[Table 30] Key Brand of Listem - MOBIX 1000
[Table 31] Key Brand of Samsung Electronics - AccE GC851
[Table 32] Key Brand of Samsung Electronics - GM85
[Table 33] Key Brand of Ecoray - ECO Smart
[Table 34] Key Brand of Ecoray - SIG-40-525
[Table 35] Key Brand of Ecoray - D-FINE
[Table 36] Key Brand of Genoray - OSCAR
[Table 37] Key Brand of Genoray - ZEN
[Table 38] Key Brand of Gemss HealthCare - XVISION-525
[Table 39] Key Brand of Gemss HealthCare - EVA
[Table 40] Key Brand of Gemss HealthCare - TITAN
[Table 41] Key Brand of Gemss HealthCare - KMC-650P
[Table 42] Key Brand of Gemss HealthCare - XPLUS 35
[Table 43] Key Brand of Siemens Healthineers - Ysio Max
[Table 44] Key Brand of Siemens Healthineers - Cios
[Table 45] Key Brand of Siemens Healthineers - Artis
[Table 46] Key Brand of Siemens Healthineers - Artis zee
[Table 47] Key Brand of Siemens Healthineers - Luminos
[Table 48] Key Brand of GE HealthCare - Optima
[Table 49] Key Brand of GE HealthCare - OEC
[Table 50] Key Brand of GE HealthCare - Innova
[Table 51] Key Brand of Philips - DigitalDiagnost
[Table 52] Key Brand of Philips - Allura Xper
[Table 53] Patient Management Claims for Living Care Centers and Home Care Centers
[Table 54] Reimbursement Criteria for X-ray Imaging
[Table 55] Number of Medical Institutions in Korea 2019-2023
[Table 56] Estimate of Elderly Population Over 65 Years Old
[Table 57] General Health Screening Rates
[Table 58] Internal Medicine Care
[Table 59] Number of Board-certified Internal Medicine Physicians
[Table 60] Orthopedic Surgery Care
[Table 61] Number of Board-certified Orthopedic Surgeons
[Table 62] Radiology Care
[Table 63] Number of Board-certified Radiologists
[Table 64] General Radiological Imaging
[Table 65] General Radiological Imaging by Common Site
[Table 66] Fluoroscopy
[Table 67] Specialized Imaging
[Table 68] Use of C-Arm Image Intensifier
[Table 69] Reimbursement Volume of Therapeutic Films
[Table 70] Number of Major Surgeries by End-User Type
[Table 71] Major Surgeries Trend
[Table 72] Summary of Market Drivers
[Table 73] Changes in Number of Suppliers
[Table 74] Number of Chronic Condition Patients
[Table 75] Number of Medical Imaging Analysis AI Patents

[Fig 1] X-ray Systems
[Fig 2] Market Size of Initial Selling Price
[Fig 3] Five-Year Forecast of Market Size
[Fig 4] Total Number of Medical and Investigational X-ray Systems 2023
[Fig 5] Installations at Medical Institutions
[Fig 6] Installations by Product Type
[Fig 7] Installations by Detector Type
[Fig 8] Installations by End-User Type
[Fig 9] Trends in Installations by End-User Type 2019-2023
[Fig 10] Market Share Estimate by Product Type and Supplier
[Fig 11] Percentage of Population aged 65+ years
[Fig 12] Life Expectancy 2011-2021
[Fig 13] General Health Screening Rates 2018-2022
[Fig 14] Number of Internal Medicine Patients
[Fig 15] Number of Board-Certified Internal Medicine Physicians
[Fig 16] Number of Orthopedic Surgery Patients
[Fig 17] Number of Board-Certified Orthopedic Surgeons
[Fig 18] Number of Radiology Patients
[Fig 19] Number of Board-Certified Radiologists
[Fig 20] Reimbursement Volume of Therapeutic Films
[Fig 21] Major Surgeries
[Fig 22] Number of Chronic Condition Patients

DK Medical Systems
Samsung Electronics
Gemss Healthcare
Siemens Healthineers
GE HealthCare

US$ 2,500
