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Market Report

Market Report

Korea Medical Device Market Report – Dental Implants 2023
March 2023210 PagesFormat: PDF or EXCEL

Synex Consulting Ltd.

In 2022, the total market size of dental implants in Korea is estimated to be approxiamately USD ***million at manufacturers/importers’ initial selling prices (about *** units, including fixtures and upper parts) and USD *** million at medical institutions’ purchase prices.

The dental implants market is expected to grow at a CAGR of ***% for five years after 2022, reaching a market size of approximately USD *** million in terms of production/import value and USD *** million in terms of purchase value by end-user medical institutions in 2027.

This is expected to be driven by the steady increase in the number of reimbursement procedures due to the expansion of NHIS coverage (from 70+ years old to 65+ years old), which took effect in July 2018.

Unlike other therapeutic materials, the market size by production/import prices is smaller than the market size by end-user purchase prices, which is estimated to be due to the large inventory held by manufacturers/importers and the large amount of inventory held by medical institutions (not yet sold).

Of the estimated USD *** million (USD ***million, or ***%) in the domestic market based on the purchase price for medical institutions in 2022, approximately USD ***million (***%) is estimated to be paid for by health insurance benefits and the remainder by out-of-pocket payments from non-reimbursement patients.

This is due to the limited benefit standard of health insurance, which only allows up to two lifetime treatments for partially edentulous patients over the age of 65 (See Section 5.5.1 for more information on the benefit standard).

The amount of health insurance benefits paid for dental implants in 2022 was approximately USD *** million (approx. *** million, including fixtures and abutments), representing a compound annual growth rate of ***% from USD *** million (approx. *** million) in 2018.

The main growth driver for this period was the expansion of health insurance coverage from July 2018 to those aged 70 and over to those aged 65 and over, which attracted more people to dental implant procedures by reducing out-of-pocket expenses.

Dental implants are categorized into (1) dental implant fixtures and (2) dental implant abutments. Although they are marketed as separate products, the fixture and abutment are used as a set.

Dental implant fixtures are chemically treated on the surface of the implant to promote osseointegration and osteogenesis, and depending on the surface treatment method, the product is classified and the amount of the health insurance treatment material limit varies.

Of the total amount of claims for fixtures in 2022, about USD ***million (about ***units), products with the SANDBLASTED LARGE GRIT ACID ETCHING (SLA) treatment method were claimed the most, with about USD *** million (about *** units) in claims in 2022.

Dental implant abutments are categorized according to their connection method and shape. Mainly, they are categorized into (1) integral type and (2) detachable type according to the method of connecting the abutment and the abutment screw.

In 2022, out of the total amount of claims for abutments, about USD *** million (about *** units), the amount of claims for detachable products was about USD ***million (about *** units), and the amount of claims for integrated products was about USD *** million (about *** units), showing that the amount of claims for detachable products was about ***times higher.

The main material for dental implants is titanium. Although zirconium and zirconia have been developed and introduced, they are not as widespread as titanium.

More than ***% of dental implants are performed in clinics. When looking at the reimbursement volume of the dental implant market by type of medical institution in 2022, out of a total of about USD *** million in health insurance claims, about USD *** million (***%) came from dental clinics, USD *** million (***%) from dental hospitals, and USD *** million (***%) from general hospitals, with a compound annual growth rate of ***% during 2018-2022.

Out of a total of *** million health insurance claims, about ***million (***%) were made by dental clinics, *** (***%) by dental hospitals, and *** (***%) by general hospitals.

As of January 2023, a total of *** products from a total of 94 manufacturers/importers are listed as covered or noncovered under health insurance in Korea (Based on product codes listed in the National Health Insurance Service Reimbursement Therapeutic Materials & Maximums Formulary).

Major suppliers of the dental implant market include Osstem Implant, Diio, Dentium, Straumann, Dentsply Sirona, Dentis, ShinHung, MegaGen Implant, NeoBiotech, and ZimVie Inc.

The market share of the major companies in the dental implant market is estimated to be***% for Osstem Implants, ***% for Dentium, and ***% for Straumann. It is estimated that the combined market share of the top two suppliers (Osstem Implant and Dentium) accounts for about ***% of the total market, with other suppliers splitting the remaining market.

Dental implants were introduced into Korea in the 1980s, and until the early 2000s, the market was dominated by imported products such as Straumann and Brenemark.

In 2014, the National Health Insurance Service began to recognize dental implants as a benefit for people aged 75 and older, but as the upper limit for treatment materials was set at a significantly lower price than the selling price of imported products before the benefit, the market share of imported products began to gradually decrease, and the market share of domestic manufactured products increased relatively, and a market centered on domestic manufacturers such as Osstem Implant and Dentium was formed.

As such, the dental implant market has been growing thanks to the policy of expanding health insurance coverage, and this direction is expected to continue in the future.

The domestic dental implant market is expected to continue to grow at a CAGR of ***% over the next five years, driven by an aging population, the number of periodontists, the prevalence of periodontal disease, and the expansion of denture coverage for the elderly (See Chapter 5.3 for more details).

On the other hand, new technologies for dental implants are hardly expected in terms of materials and designs. However, the introduction of digital solutions such as (1) oral scanners that accurately record the shape of teeth, (2) software for creating prosthetic designs, and (3) implant planning software are changing the practice behavior of dental clinics by introducing equipment to improve the accuracy and safety of procedures, and the impact on the competitive landscape of the dental implant market is expected.

Chapter 1 Introduction
   1.1 Purpose
   1.2 Suggestions for best use
   1.3 Scope
   1.4 Research Methods
      1.4.1 Desk Research
      1.4.2 Primary Research
   1.5 Analysis and Estimation Methods
      1.5.1 Data Sources
      1.5.2 Exchange Rate
      1.5.3 Market Size Estimation Methods

Chapter 2 Executive Summary

Chater 3 Market Overview
   3.1 Market Size at Initial Selling Prices
      3.1.1 Five-Year Forecast of Market Size
   3.2 Market Size at Purchase Prices
      3.2.1 Reimbursement Volume of Dental Implants Reimbursement Volume by Product Group Reimbursement Volume by End-User Type

Chater 4 Major Suppliers
   4.1 Osstem Implant
   4.2 Dio
   4.3 Dentium
   4.4 Straumann
   4.5 Dentsply Sirona
   4.6 DENTIS
   4.8 MegaGen Implant
   4.9 NeoBiotech
   4.10 ZimVie

Chapter 5 Market Dynamics
   5.1 Impact of COVID-19
   5.2 Korean Healthcare Market Features
      5.2.1 Market History of Dental Implants
      5.2.2 Change History of Payment Environment
      5.2.3 Number of Dental Institutions and Professionals
      5.2.4 Reimbursement vs. Non-Reimbursement Criteria
      5.2.5 Distribution Channel of Dental Implants
   5.3 Key Indicators of Dental Implants
      5.3.1 Aging Population
      5.3.2 Periodontal Treatments
      5.3.3 Prevalence of Periodontal Disease
      5.3.4 Dental Implant Treatments and Procedures
      5.3.5 Other Treatments and Surgeries Bone Grafting Sinus Lifting
   5.4 Market Drivers
      5.4.1 Demand
      5.4.2 Increased Number of Suppliers
   5.5 Market Opportunities
      5.5.1 Reimbursement Coverage Expansion Policy
      5.5.2 NHIS Coverage Expansion of Dentures
      5.5.3 Clinical Study on New Dental Implants
      5.5.4 Increasing Convenience with Digital Solutions
      5.5.5 Growng Public Awareness
   5.6 Market Restraints
      5.6.1 NHIS Reimbursement Pricing Scheme
      5.6.2 Market-Dominant Brands
      5.6.3 Strengthening Government Regulations
   5.7 Unmet Needs

[Table 1] Key Brand of Osstem Implant - Bone Level TS system
[Table 2] Market Size at Initial Selling Prices 2018-2022 (USD thousands)
[Table 3] Five-Year Forecast of Market Size 2022-2026 (USD thousands)
[Table 4] Reimbursement Volume of Dental Implants 2018-2022
[Table 5] Surface Treatment Methods of Dental Implant Fixtures
[Table 6] Reimbursement Volume of Fixtures 2018-2022
[Table 7] Reimbursement Volume of Dental Implants by Product Group 2018-2022 - Abutments
[Table 8] Reimbursement Volume by End-User Type 2018-2022
[Table 9] Number of Dental Implants Product Approval Cases (as of 31 January 2023)
[Table 10] Number of Products on the NHI Table (as of 1 January 2023)
[Table 11] Key Brand of Osstem Implant - Bone Level TS system
[Table 12] Key Brand of Osstem Implant - Bone Level KS system
[Table 13] Key Brand of Osstem Implant - Tissue Level SS system
[Table 14] Key Brand of Dio - UF(Ⅱ) Int. Submerged system
[Table 15] Key Brand of Dio - UF(Ⅱ) Int. Non Submerged system
[Table 16] Key Brand of Dio- FTN External System
[Table 17] Key Brand of Dentium - NR Line
[Table 18] Key Brand of Dentium - Simple Line Ⅱ
[Table 19] Key Brand of Straumann - Straumann Tissue Level Implant Line
[Table 20] Key Brand of Straumann - Straumann Bone Level Implant Line
[Table 21] Key Brand of Dentsply Sirona - Astra Tech Implant System (OsseoSpeed)
[Table 22] Key Brand of Dentsply Sirona - ANKYLOS Dental Implant System
[Table 23] Key Brand of Dentsply Sirona - XiVE S plus Screw Implant
[Table 24] Key Brand of Dentis - SQ
[Table 25] Key Brand of Dentis - OneQ
[Table 26] Key Brand of Dentis - Cleanlant
[Table 27] Key Brand of Dentis - I-FIX
[Table 28] Key Brand of Shinhung - LUNA S
[Table 29] Key Brand of Sihnhung - SOLA S
[Table 30] Key Brand of Shinhung - STELLA
[Table 31] Key Brand of MegaGen Implant - AnyRidge
[Table 32] Key Brand of MegaGen Implant - Blue Diamond
[Table 33] Key Brand of MegaGen Implant - AnyOne
[Table 34] Key Brand of MegaGen Implant -MiNi
[Table 35] Key Brand of NeoBiotech - IS Ⅲ Active
[Table 36] Key Brand of NeoBiotech - IS Ⅱ Active
[Table 37] Key Brand of NeoBiotech - EB Ⅱ Active
[Table 38] Key Brand of NeoBiotech - IT Ⅲ Active
[Table 39] Key Brand of ZimVie - TSV
[Table 40] Number of Dental Implant Patients 2018-2021
[Table 41] Dental Implat Patients’ Age Groups 2018-2021
[Table 42] Changes in Reimbursement Criteria for Dental Implants
[Table 43] Number of Dental Hospitals and Practices 2018-2022
[Table 44] Number of Dentists 2018-2021
[Table 45] Dental Implant Reimbursement vs. Non-Reimbursement Criteria
[Table 46] Estimate of Elderly Population Over 65 Years Old
[Table 47] Periodontal Treatments 2018-2021
[Table 48] Prevalence of Periodontal Diseases 2018-2021
[Table 49] Dental Implant Treatments - Diagnosis & Planning (1st Step) 2018-2022
[Table 50] Dental Implant Treatments - Actual Placing (2nd Step) 2018-2022
[Table 51] Dental Implant Removal Treatments 2018-2022
[Table 52] Dental Implant Treatments - Prosthodontics (3rd Step) 2018-2022
[Table 53] Types of Bone Grafting
[Table 54] Bone Grafting Treatments 2018-2021
[Table 55] Types of Oroantral Fistula Closure
[Table 56] Oroantral Fistula Closure Treatments 2018-2021
[Table 57] Summary of Market Drivers
[Table 58] Changes in Number of Dental Implant Product Codes 2018-2022
[Table 59] Reimbursemet Criteria for Dental Implants
[Table 60] NHIS Coverage Expansion for Elderly Population
[Table 61] Clinical Trials of Dental Implants 2018-2023 (as of 9 March 2023)
[Table 62] Classification Methods & Reimbursement Maximums (as of 1 March 2021)

[Fig 1] Market Size at Initial Selling Prices 2018-2022 (USD thousands)
[Fig 2] Five-Year Forecast of Market Size 2022-2026 (USD thousands)
[Fig 3] Market Size at Purchase Prices 2022
[Fig 4] Market Size Forecast at Hospital Acquisition Price (2027)
[Fig 5] Reimbursement Volume of Dental Implants 2018-2022
[Fig 6] Examples of Abutment Types (Straight & Angles)
[Fig 7] Reimbursement Volume by End-User Type 2022 (USD thousands)
[Fig 8] Reimbursement Volume by End-User Type 2018-2022
[Fig 9] Estimated Market Share of Key Dental Implants Companies 2022
[Fig 10] General Distribution Path of Dental Implants
[Fig 11] Percentage of Elderly Population (65 years+)

Osstem Implant
Dentsply Sirona
MegaGen Implant

US$ 2,500
